Records - H

There are 1038 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Holster, R. L

Active in New Orleans: 1920
Artistic Focus: painter

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Active in New Orleans: 1881
Artistic Focus: painter

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Holt, Roger

Active in New Orleans: 1946-52
Artistic Focus: painter

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Holt, Sally Shephard

Birth Date: 6/15/1873, Mobile, AL
Death Date: 8/20/1965, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1911-53
Artistic Focus: potter, craftsman, glassworker

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Holt, Sarah Barton

Birth Date: ca. 1831,
Death Date: 2/24/1906, New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: 1885-86

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Holt, William A.

Active in New Orleans: 1872-35
Artistic Focus: engraver, printer

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Holt & Arrowsmith

Artistic Focus: jeweler

Is An Institution
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Holtz, Helmuth

Birth Date: 1833, Kappeln, Germany
Death Date: 1915, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1866-1915
Artistic Focus: lithographer, draftsman

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Holyland, Edward T.

Active in New Orleans: 1885-17
Artistic Focus: engraver

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Holyland, Frederick

Active in New Orleans: 1861-95
Artistic Focus: engraver

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Holz, George

Artistic Focus: photographer

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Holzlhuber, Franz

Artistic Focus: artist, illustrator

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Homann, Johann Baptist

Birth Date: 1663, Bavaria
Death Date: 1724, Nurnburg

Artistic Focus: engraver, cartographer

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Home Art Studio

Active in New Orleans: 8-Nov

Is An Institution
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Homer, Winslow

Artistic Focus: painter

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Homes, Luther

Active in New Orleans: 1854
Artistic Focus: metalworker

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Homes & Bennet

Active in New Orleans: 1853-55
Artistic Focus: metalworker

Is An Institution
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Homo, Alexander

Birth Date: ca. 1840, Paris, France
Death Date: 6/22/1889,

Active in New Orleans: 1870-90
Artistic Focus: artist

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Hondius, Jodocus & Henricus

Artistic Focus: engraver, cartographer

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Active in New Orleans: 1842-56
Artistic Focus: art teacher, portraitist, painter

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