Records - H

There are 1038 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Honore, Joseph

Active in New Orleans: 1893-1906
Artistic Focus: architect

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Hood, Dorothy

Birth Date: August 27, 1919, Bryan, Texas
Death Date: October 28, 2000, Houston, TX

Artistic Focus: artist, painter

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Hood, Gail Lynn Johnson

Active in New Orleans: 1962 -
Artistic Focus: art teacher, painter, photographer

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Hood, Angus

Artistic Focus: photographer

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Hoogendoorn, Brooke

Artistic Focus: artist, ornamentalist, painter

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Hoogland, William

Birth Date: ca. 1795,
Death Date: 1832,

Artistic Focus: engraver

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Hookar, Willie

Active in New Orleans: 1997
Artistic Focus: artist

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Hooper, J.

Active in New Orleans: 1881
Artistic Focus: artist

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Hooper, Joseph J.

Active in New Orleans: 1868-1923
Artistic Focus: lithographer, stationer, printer

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Active in New Orleans: 1870
Artistic Focus: artist, craftsman

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Hooton, Claude E.

Active in New Orleans: 1952-55
Artistic Focus: architect

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Hoover, Amanda

Active in New Orleans: 1983
Artistic Focus: painter, performance artist

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Hoover, Barbara

Death Date: Dec. 1970, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: ca. 1970
Artistic Focus: portraitist

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Hoover, Gerry

Active in New Orleans: 1974
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Hope, Cristina

Artistic Focus: artist

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Hopf, William

Active in New Orleans: 1872-1876
Artistic Focus: sketch artist, lithographer, engineer

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Hopkin, Robert

Birth Date: 1/23/1832, Glasgow, Scotland
Death Date: 3/21/1909, Detroit, MI

Active in New Orleans: 1882-1884
Artistic Focus: painter

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Hopkins, A.F.

Active in New Orleans: 1939
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Hopkins, A.R.

Active in New Orleans: 1920s
Artistic Focus: commercial artist, art teacher

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Hopkins, Albert T.

Death Date: 12/26/1965, New Orleans

Active in New Orleans: ?-1965
Artistic Focus: photographer

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