Records - J

There are 383 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Joffrion, Kathleen

Active in New Orleans: 2000
Artistic Focus: video artist, teacher

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Joffrion-Perry, Kathleen

Active in New Orleans: 1984
Artistic Focus: commercial artist

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Active in New Orleans: 1827
Artistic Focus: painter

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John, Jehu

Active in New Orleans: 1840
Artistic Focus: surveyor

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John, Norman

Active in New Orleans: 1967
Artistic Focus: commercial artist

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John, Elissa "Liz'

Artistic Focus: basketmaker

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Johns, Christopher

Active in New Orleans: 1980-
Artistic Focus: sketch artist, painter

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Johns, Edward

Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Johns, Paul Emile

Active in New Orleans: 1822-60
Artistic Focus: lithographer, teacher

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Active in New Orleans: 1850-52
Artistic Focus: painter, ornamentalist

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Johnson, Arthur E.

Active in New Orleans: 1885-98
Artistic Focus: painter

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Johnson, Betina

Active in New Orleans: 1962

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Johnson, Betty

Active in New Orleans: 1984
Artistic Focus: craftsman

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Johnson, Blanche S.

Active in New Orleans: 1933
Artistic Focus: artist

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Johnson, Bradish

Active in New Orleans: 1879
Artistic Focus: architect

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Johnson, C. D.

Active in New Orleans: 1841
Artistic Focus: architect

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Johnson, C. E.

Active in New Orleans: 1845-53
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Johnson, Charles A.

Active in New Orleans: 1868-69
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Johnson, Charles A.

Active in New Orleans: 1869
Artistic Focus: art dealer

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