Records - J

There are 383 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Johnson, Charlie T. Jr.

Active in New Orleans: 1984-85
Artistic Focus: artist

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Johnson, D. G.

Active in New Orleans: 1832-40
Artistic Focus: engraver, photographer, portraitist

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Johnson, Dave

Active in New Orleans: 1984
Artistic Focus: carver

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Johnson, Douglas James

Active in New Orleans: 1987
Artistic Focus: portraitist

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Johnson, Eugenia

Active in New Orleans: 1874
Artistic Focus: artist

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Johnson, Gerald

Active in New Orleans: 1985
Artistic Focus: designer, architect

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Johnson, J. Seward Jr.

Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Johnson, Jeanne

Active in New Orleans: 1881
Artistic Focus: artist

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Johnson, Julia

Active in New Orleans: 1984-85
Artistic Focus: fiber artist

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Johnson, Kay

Active in New Orleans: 1953-61;
Artistic Focus: portraitist, writer

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Johnson, Kymberli J.

Artistic Focus: artist

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Johnson, L. L.

Active in New Orleans: 1925
Artistic Focus: artist

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Johnson, Lillian

Active in New Orleans: ca. 1913
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Johnson, Leonard Earl

Birth Date: 8/22/1943, Cairo, IL

Active in New Orleans: 1977-88
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Johnson, Lewis

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Johnson, Libby

Birth Date: 8/8/1950, Baton Rouge

Active in New Orleans: 1972-
Artistic Focus: painter

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Johnson, Lillian

Artistic Focus: painter

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Johnson, Louise Mouton

Active in New Orleans: 1997
Artistic Focus: painter

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Johnson, Mary Belle

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Johnson, Nellie B.

Birth Date: 1920, Louisiana

Artistic Focus: painter

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