Records - L

There are 979 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Langbehn, F.

Active in New Orleans: 1886
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Langbehn, William J.

Active in New Orleans: 1886
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Langbein, William J.

Death Date: 12/18/1900, Chicago, IL

Active in New Orleans: 1887-90
Artistic Focus: lithographer

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Active in New Orleans: 1880
Artistic Focus: engraver, woodworker

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Lange, William

Active in New Orleans: 1867
Artistic Focus: furniture worker

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Langermann, A. B.

Active in New Orleans: ca. 1873
Artistic Focus: surveyor

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Langham, Emily

Active in New Orleans: 1918
Artistic Focus: commercial artist, painter

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Langhoff, Lynn

Active in New Orleans: 1988
Artistic Focus: craftsman

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Langley, Cam

Active in New Orleans: 1992-93
Artistic Focus: sculptor, glassworker

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Langley, Rose, Ronald, Edna Lorena

Artistic Focus: basketmaker

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Langlinais, Barrett

Active in New Orleans: exhibited in 1995

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Langlume, P.

Active in New Orleans: 1837-46
Artistic Focus: lithographer

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Langmore, Dorothy Granberry

Active in New Orleans: 1986
Artistic Focus: photographer, portraitist

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Langwith, Joseph

Active in New Orleans: 1865-67
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Lanier, Bobby

Active in New Orleans: ca. 1987
Artistic Focus: painter, illustrator, commercial artist

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Lankard, Bryce

Active in New Orleans: 1988-
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Lankes, Julius J.

Birth Date: 1884,
Death Date: 1960,

Active in New Orleans: 1932-39
Artistic Focus: engraver, woodworker, carver

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Artistic Focus: furniture worker

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Lanotte, George

Active in New Orleans: 1842
Artistic Focus: carver

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Lanotte, Henry

Active in New Orleans: 1842
Artistic Focus: carver

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