Records - L

There are 979 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Landry, M.

Active in New Orleans: 1891
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Landry, Pierre Joseph

Birth Date: 1770, St. Servan, France
Death Date: 1843, Louisiana

Active in New Orleans: 1834-43
Artistic Focus: sculptor, woodworker, carver

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Landry, Richard

Active in New Orleans: 1977-87
Artistic Focus: painter, sketch artist, photographer

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Landry, Robert R.

Active in New Orleans: 1985-93
Artistic Focus: painter, cartoonist

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Landry, Stuart

Active in New Orleans: 1932
Artistic Focus: artist

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Landry, Tilden

Death Date: Sept. 1968, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1930-68
Artistic Focus: commercial artist

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Active in New Orleans: exhibited in 1857
Artistic Focus: engraver

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Landwehr, Joan

Active in New Orleans: 1979
Artistic Focus: artist

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Lane, Ronald

Active in New Orleans: 1985
Artistic Focus: jeweler

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Lane, Susan

Active in New Orleans: 1983
Artistic Focus: glassworker

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Lane, Tom

Birth Date: 7-Jun-16, Toledo, Ohio
Death Date: 7-Oct-91, New Orleans, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1960s - 1991
Artistic Focus: painter

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Lanfant, Narcisse

Death Date: 8/19/1845, near Alexandria, LA

Active in New Orleans: 1845
Artistic Focus: furniture worker

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Lanfer, J.

Birth Date: ca. 1865, Austria

Active in New Orleans: 1910
Artistic Focus: artist

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Lang, Andrew

Active in New Orleans: 1959
Artistic Focus: painter

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Lang, Anton

Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Lang, Henry D.

Birth Date: Oct. 1879, Louisiana

Active in New Orleans: Apr-00
Artistic Focus: engraver

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Lang, John

Active in New Orleans: 1939
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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Lang, Jule

Active in New Orleans: 1982
Artistic Focus: fiber artist

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Lang, Karl

Active in New Orleans: 1939-40
Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Lang, Richard

Artistic Focus: sculptor, woodworker

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