Records - L

There are 979 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Lampert, Josh

Active in New Orleans: 1820
Artistic Focus: furniture worker

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LaNasa, Anne

Active in New Orleans: 1993
Artistic Focus: painter, designer

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Active in New Orleans: 1842
Artistic Focus: jeweler

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Lancelin, Jean Louis

Artistic Focus: painter, portraitist, miniaturist

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Active in New Orleans: 1820

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Land, H. H.

Active in New Orleans: 1924
Artistic Focus: architect

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Land-Weber, Ellen

Active in New Orleans: 1985
Artistic Focus: portraitist

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Landacre, Paul

Active in New Orleans: 1936-39
Artistic Focus: artist

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Landen, Margo

Active in New Orleans: early 21st c,
Artistic Focus: photographer

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Landers, Robert Jr.

Active in New Orleans: exhibited 1982
Artistic Focus: artist

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Active in New Orleans: 1885
Artistic Focus: painter

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Landis, John

Artistic Focus: lithographer

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Active in New Orleans: 1851
Artistic Focus: engraver, metalworker

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Landrin, A.

Active in New Orleans: 1817
Artistic Focus: artist

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Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Landry, Aimable

Active in New Orleans: 1785
Artistic Focus: engraver

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Landry, Blanche

Active in New Orleans: 1894
Artistic Focus: artist

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Landry, Dickie

Active in New Orleans: 1984-96
Artistic Focus: painter

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Landry, John

Birth Date: 1912,

Active in New Orleans: 1968-86
Artistic Focus: sculptor

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