Records - L

There are 979 result(s) corresponding to your search.
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Lambert, David

Active in New Orleans: 1992-
Artistic Focus: painter, sculptor

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Lambert, Henry M

Active in New Orleans: 1984

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Lambert, J. M.

Active in New Orleans: 1812
Artistic Focus: furniture worker

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Lambert, James

Active in New Orleans: 1826
Artistic Focus: engineer

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Lambert, Jeab B.

Active in New Orleans: 1830
Artistic Focus: metalworker

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Lambert, Joseph F.

Active in New Orleans: 1885-1920
Artistic Focus: lithographer

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Lambert, Louis H.

Birth Date: 1854, Quebec, Canada
Death Date: 6/23/1896, Jackson, LA

Artistic Focus: architect

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Lambert, Otille

Active in New Orleans: 1929

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Lambert, Coral

Active in New Orleans: 2005
Artistic Focus: sculptor, metalworker

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Lambert, Beth

Artistic Focus: painter

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Lambremont, Bertha R.

Active in New Orleans: 1987
Artistic Focus: restorer

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Lamendola, William

Artistic Focus: painter

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Artistic Focus: metalworker

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Lamoisse, Eugene

Active in New Orleans: 1849-50
Artistic Focus: sketch artist

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LaMontagne, Armand

Active in New Orleans: 1976
Artistic Focus: sculptor

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Lamothe, Adrien

Active in New Orleans: 1885
Artistic Focus: artist

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Lamothe, Jean

Active in New Orleans: 1830-77
Artistic Focus: metalworker, jeweler

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Lamothe, M. L.

Active in New Orleans: 1877
Artistic Focus: metalworker

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Lamothe, Pierre

Active in New Orleans: 1813-30
Artistic Focus: metalworker, jeweler

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Lampe, June

Birth Date: 1915,

Active in New Orleans: 1984-86
Artistic Focus: painter

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