[Brown/Orange. Holiday Inn. High-rise parking/hotel complex, ca. 1969, Collins C. Diboll, developer.] [Original structure. Yellow (unofficial VCS rating). This was a 6-bay, 3-story, brick commercial building, which fronted on Exchange Alley. The structure possibly dated to before 1833. An 1833 act of sale cites a "lot situated on Royal bet[ween] Custom House and Canal, with brick bldgs. meas. 32' front on Royal, 125' deep, extending to new street called Exchange Place."] [N.B: At the time the VCS chains of title were abstracted, this building sat on the two separate lots of 116-122 Royal (Lot 11205) and 124-132 Royal (Lot 11206).] [Squares in the 100 block of the French Quarter (those that front Canal Street and back on Iberville Street) are not part of the original Vieux Carré and have never been evaluated by the Vieux Carré Commission. Rather, their historical status is the domain of another city agency, the Historic District Landmarks Commission (HDLC).] [The c. 1965, color-coded architectural evaluation square maps for these squares found in the VCS binders were most likely executed by architect Sam Wilson, but they are obviously not official, as the HDLC was not even in existence then. The official color ratings given here have been taken from the HDLC's current maps.]
Dimensions (Dimensions run CCW)